Jacks and Piss

Four cards dealt, plus a fifth community card in everyone’s hand. Guts Poker with a draw. Jacks are always wild, plus the card turned up after the deal.

The dealer deals four cards to every player at the table, after which the top card on the deck is flipped over. That card, the “piss card” is not only wild, but it is also the fifth card in everyone’s hand. If a 3 is flipped, then it is wild, in everyone’s hand, as well as all other 3’s.

Jacks are always wild. If a jack gets flipped up, then only Jacks are wild and hands will not be as good. In the following hand for example,

10 Hearts (piss card) — Ace Clubs – Jack Spades – 10 Diamonds – 2 Spades

The Ten of Hearts was flipped over as the piss card. In my hand, I have been dealt the Ten of Diamonds and the Jack of Spades. With a Ten as the Piss Card, the Ten in my hand is wild, as well as the Jack, which is always wild. Considering that the Piss Card is to be considered the fifth card in my hand, I have a hand of three wild cards. Put them together with the Ace of Clubs, and I am holding four Aces.

If this seems like a high hand, the amount of wild cards in this game (not to mention that the Piss Card guarantees you have a wild card in your hand right away) guarantees high hands at the table most of the time.

After the deal, players decide if they want to stay in the game and risk matching the pot. Players “declare” in or out starting at the left of the dealer and going in clockwise order with the dealer calling last. Those players that call out are out until the next round of cards are dealt.

Those players that stay in are allowed a draw of as many cards as they want. After the draw, there is a betting round with all players who stayed in the game. After the betting round, the player with the best hand collects the pot. All other players who stayed in throw into the new pot however much money was in the pot when they declared in.

If there is any money in the pot (in other words, if at least two people went in on the previous round) then the player to the left of the dealer deals the next hand and the same sequence continues. The game is dealt round after round until only one player goes in. That player collects the pot and the game is over.

The dealer can change the draw as to limit the amount of cards that players can draw when they declare in. The dealer can also choose to deal a “kitty” as described above.